Friday, May 26, 2006

Kaley and John found an apartment

Kaley and Mom went to Gainesville today to look for an apartment. They were successful in finding one that the Wirthlins can move into in late June! John is fishing so he hasn't heard the news yet--but we are all very excited for them to be in Florida for the next little bit!

Kaley came over last night and made a waterslide for Campbell and Annastyn--they had a blast.

Grammie, mom, and Brittan played golf yesterday with 50 other "friends of BYU" in Tampa. There were only 3 other women that played--but we came in 5th place!

I'm going to post some pictures soon! Kaley said the apartment is right off the interstate and it is a 2 bedroom apartment (that way there is room for over-night visits!).

Anyways, more details to follow

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