Thursday, June 29, 2006

Video of Annastyn walking

Please follow the following URL to see a video of Annastyn walking.

Campbell at Disney--June 2006! This was one of her favorit Disney moments--meeting Belle and Cinderella

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Well this weekend was fun. I got to go camping up in the mountains with some buddies, and it was probably my first time ever shooting a hand-gun. I was looking for some squirrels to fry for breakfast like that lady in Tallahassee, but I couldn't find any. Im excited to finally come home on the 14th of July to see everyone.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Annastyn's First Bday

The party is going to be at 195 N. Flicker Point; Inverness, FL 34453 (our house).

The party will start around 11am with some arts and crafts for the kids/cousins.
Lunch will be served (probably BBQ or Wings or Subs) by 1pm.
PiƱata/Family Pictures should be around 3ish.

More details will follow. The theme will be a horse theme (if I can get my act together enough to buy the stuff online early enough).

Monday, June 12, 2006

Annastyn's First Bday pictures

Please visit:

we bought the one with her clapping in the box.

3 weeks till she turns one!


Mom, Dad, Raleigh, Kaley, and John all arived in Nauvoo last night. They are staying outside of the city and plan on playing tourist today. A highlight of their trip--a tour of the Nauvoo Temple by John's relative. Hopefully we will get some pictures posted.

Brian and Brittan are trying to get moved into the house so that it will be picture perfect for Suzette's arrival on Saturday. We are thrilled to finally meet her!

We are finally getting some rain her in Central Floirda thanks to the first named storm of 2006--Alberto. It should be out of the state mid week--so it should NOT mess up Ben and Suzette's trip to Floirda.

I am hoping to get Ben signed up next week during his visit to this blog--he is the only one left to convince that it's not so bad--I guess Dad is still resistant too!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Annastyn is now walking all by herself --she heads into the center of the room even when there is no one to catch her. She can also stand up from a sitting position and she can stop and turn around and head back the other direction.

She is now a toddler!

Happy Birthday Bentley (yesterday)! We are excited to see you in a week.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

10 Reasons Why John Loves Kaley

I came across this while cleaning out my stetson email--just thought I'd share:

1) She loves lots of space, and likes to be around those she knows well and feels safe around.
2) She is always very honest and tells you how it is- unless she is in the wrong and she will quickly come up with a good laugh, line, or story to get out of it.
3) She loves to serve others to demonstrate and express her love.
4) Kaley is very smart with a good head on her shoulders. But sometimes a little too quick for me!
5) She loves her family dearly and is very loyal to them and others that are close to her.
6) I love her sweet spirit that is so loving and caring and helping me become a better person.
7) I love it how she likes to be active. Whether its riding bikes, walking, water aerobics, etc..., she likes to be outside doing something.
8) "She's a mover and pusher" and not too shy about making her opinions known.
9) I love her because of the great mother she will be one day, the wonderful wife she will soon be, and for being my very best friend.
10) I love her because she is the most beautiful!