Sunday, August 27, 2006

6 principles to live by for raising children

This is some other stuff from our stake conference (President Carter, Stake President, Leesburg).

1) Set High Expectations (duty to God, YW Recognition, Eagle, Modesty, College, Tithing, Tithing, Bear Testimony, Work Hard)
2) Teach and Settle for Nothing Less than Obedience (accountability is important from teachers, parents, and leaders--see both small and large issues in the same light (do not say, "I choose my battles"--squeeze and minimize the grey issues (try to teach that things are black and white)). Elder Ballard: "meticulous obedience is expected".
3) Establish a Pattern of Absolute Consistency (follow through on consequences--otherwise it will lead to confusion and manipulation). Reinforce with parent/child interviews. Ask specific questions (you have a right/responsibility to know child's worthiness); apply specific discipline (action directed towards goals (not physical punishment); "Do not intervene to soften blow for the violation of commandments" . . . Elder Ballard. Intervention enforces false principles. Be consistent, it takes time and dedication (last children should get same degree of discipline as the oldest child (that's right Raleigh).
4) Be one with your spouse (if divided on raising children, problems arise, do not disagree in front of children, do not abrogate role as parent to be a friend--because you can never be a parent foremost again, parents who establish a proper/loving relationship early will not have to compromise the friendship.
5) Teach and Show by example, words, FHE, scripture study, speak kindly of others in front of children, go to temple & meetings--sets right example for kids, teach principle that every choice has a consequence and each consequence has a destination. Best place of learning, the kitchen table and the parent's king sized bed.
6) Opposite of Love, is to Ignore: Children require intimacy, take time for children, children cannot trust parents who rarely talk to them, time is the most precious gift of love, share testimony with children, establish a spiritual relationship with them that transcends time, create an atmosphere of love.

We are going to email the stake president to get a copy of the talk, if you are interested in reading more . . . send me an email!

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