Saturday, October 25, 2008

Recent "Farm" pictures


We have all had a bunch of farming experiences recently--and here are some of the pictures . . .

There are pictures on the day that we all went to the Webster cattle auction w/ dad to buy cows

There are pictures of our new Great Pyrenees puppies (mine is Cool Whip, and Kempton's is "icey")

There are pictures of the boys hanging out while we feed the goats

We are having a lot of fun in this nice fall weather! But these animals sure do take up alot of time!

There is also a picture of my Dad's Boar buck--Sea Bisquit
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Sarah said...

Cute puppies!! I love Grant's mohawk and his super cute hat. We need to come up sometime and see all your new animals.

sunshine family said...

i forgive u for the ugly pic. just dont let it happen again! jk!