Update: Tonight is Brian's first campout as Scoutmaster. They are camping on the Inverness property. I'm really excited for them, but there was a bunch of planning and I am a little nervous that the whole thing will go smoothly. Dad says to calm down--that nothing is simplier than a campout--I hope so!
Brian has been sick for about 3 weeks--with an awful cold, but he is starting to come out of it! He is giving a talk in 2 weeks about Gratitude in Sacrament meeting--so that should be fun.
Campbell's primary program is on Sunday, and she has a 1 minute speaking part. We have been trying to memorize the talk--I know she is going to do wonderful. Campbell has also started to read--AHHHHH, she is getting so old. She can Read her colors and her numbers and a few other site words, we are working to expand her reading vocabulary about 5-10 new words per week.
Anna Mae can now say Purple, Blue, Bird, Stop, Moma, Dadda, Papa, Please, Thank you, All Done, and La La La. She nodds her head for Yes and No, and she understands Binkie, Close the Door/Drawer, Trash, Bottle, and Dance (and probably a host of other things).
I am loving my chance to work in Relief Society and feel growth on a daily basis. It is fun to grow and to improve in motherhood and as a sister in the gospel! I am reconnecting with my creative side and am enjoying quilting (with Kaley--although she is doing most of the quilting and I'm doing most of the enjoying:)) and making a variety of crafts for Homemade Christmas presents!
I am reading a book by Neal A. Maxwell about the City of Enoch. The dialog is all fictional but it teaches about the concepts of living a life full of charity and consecration. Two really neat quotes:
"Peace is based not alone on justice, but also on the process of self-discipline and selflessness without which peace is impossible. Contrariwise, where people's thoughts are selfish, they will, one way or another, find cause to feel deprived or injured."
- To me this quote is saying that we find ourselves offended at the actions of others, that we should look inward and work on the selfishness that exists within. We then should strengthen our self discipline and our resolve for peace.
"Men fear only when there is not sufficient love in their hearts. Perfect love casts out fear, and he that fears in not made perfect in love. There is liberty in love. Only when men are not fearful can they be anxiously and fully engaged in the bringing to pass much righteousness, turning outward instead of inward."
- I know that my own personal fears has limited me in the outward service of my neighbors, friends, and family. Visiting teaching is a perfect example, I might be so scared to make contact with an unknown sister, but the love for that sister grows each time I try to make contact. I can't have a feeling of love, until after the "trial of my faith"--meaning the attempt to make contact with someone I don't know. If our purposes are based in love, then the fear that so naturally exists will dissipate! I have seen this happen in my life, but still I struggle with the concept!
Dad's Bday is at the end of the month! See ya later! Thanks Ben for the great pictures. Remember that NEWSLETTER Posts are due next week.