Monday, August 28, 2006

Family meeting

We had a family meeting last night where we talked about Brandon, Inverness, and Utah. Everyone gave suggestions and comments. We also reviewed the upcoming cruise plans and checked on everyone's passport status. Kempton booked tickets for everyone to fly to Utah on the Wed. before his wedding (leaving Orlando at 5pm) and (leaving SLC at 5pm on Sunday). Email Kempton your SKY Numbers if you care about that detail. He will call the numbers into Delta.

We all voted for the RETURN of the Family Newsletter (in Print). September will be our first issue. Please have POSTS (from 50-350 words) to be by FRIDAY, September 1st. (that's THIS FRIDAY). If you have any pictures, you can send those too--but I'll pull some off the blog if there are no pictures emailed to me. You can either (1) Post your Post on the Blog--and I will pull it from there or (2) email it me at

TOPIC for September Newsletter: Creating a Gospel Centered Home by Elder M. Russell Ballard (Sunday Afternoon Session April 2006 General Conference). This was one of my favorite talks--that's why I choose it. Like last year you can write about the theme--or something else (Kaley and John's talks, recent spiritual experiences, marriage plans, etc).

Since Conference is next month, I'm not going to post the future topics--we'll pull them from October's conference. Check the blog at least once per month to get topic ideas! I will call you guys too.


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